Fetterman Statement on Immigration Bill Vote

Washington, D.C. – Today, the Senate failed to pass the bipartisan border security bill. Senator Fetterman voted in favor of the legislation.

Senator Fetterman released the follow statement in response to the vote:

“I voted yes on this bill once again because I know we must secure our border, and this bill would help do that.

“But I am tired of this political theater. I have Republican colleagues who will spend all day yelling on the floor about border security but voted against this bill because they’d rather campaign on the issue than actually address it.”

Fetterman has long been clear that he supports comprehensive immigration reform to address the crisis at the border. He has repeatedly called out Republicans for walking away from the February deal and urged them to return to the negotiating table to secure the border.

Senator Fetterman believes we must reject the false choice between strong borders and a system that treats people with dignity. America can and must have both – a system that is strong, secure, and humane. He supports investments to strengthen the borders and prevent the flow of illegal drugs into our country. He also supports commonsense reforms to provide pathways to citizenship, including for frontline workers, small business owners, and young people who have only known this country as their home.

Along with providing pathways to citizenship, Senator Fetterman supports protecting Dreamers from deportation and granting permits that allow them to continue contributing to our society through work, education, and community involvement, just as they have done for decades.